Thursday, January 20, 2011

Really, September?

I am not really sure where the last six months have gone. It doesn't seem like it was that long ago that we were packing up our base house, driving across the country, leaving Chuck in Vegas along the way and getting settled back into Kelso. Our time in Kelso slipped by so fast and YES, I did a terrible, terrible job keeping you all up to date with what was happening with us. We were so incredibly busy the whole time we were there - much more than I could have ever anticipated! I guess keeping up the blog fell to the back burner as it often does. And since most of the people who read this blog are in Kelso and are family, there isn't much that we did in Kelso that you all didn't know about or better yet, weren't apart of. However, since we are back in Florida now and our families can't be apart of Addison's life everyday, I guess I better get back on the stick and start keeping better tabs on this blog of ours - or else what purpose does it serve? I also was very bad about sending out ALL the pictures that I have taken over the last six months - and yes, those are coming soon as well! Be patient with me - we are still moving in but I do know how important it is to keep up with this. And I do know that someday when my baby is all grown up, I will be so glad I have kept this.

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