What a terrible way to start a Friday morning! Chuck had to get up and go into work at 4:30 this morning and in true "Jenne" fashion, I couldn't fall back to sleep and logged onto facebook. Immediately, my facebook was flooded with things like "We are ok," "Don't worry about us." All from my friends who are stationed in Japan. After looking a little further, I discovered there had been a MAJOR earthquake - 8.9 on the scale - in Japan. I texted Charlie about it since I knew he wasn't at work yet, and decided to turn on the news. Of course he called and wanted to know all the details... As we were talking they began to show footage of the tsunami that was washing onshore in Japan. Heartwrenching!!!
Than they started talking about tsunami warnings for Hawaii and the West Coast of the US. Of course, my heart is breaking for those people in Japan. But now, my thoughts turn to the US. First of all, my best friend and her husband live in Hawaii. I immediatly texted her - I love her, but she is not good about paying attention to the news. I had to make sure she new she needed to evacuate if there house is in the low laying areas of Hawaii. (Barbara, I still haven't heard from you as I am writing this - cutting you some slack as I am hoping you don't have access to your phone or it has no service up on the mountain top you are standing on!!!) However, we know another family that just moved there - the Ensmingers. (He went to the Academy with Charlie and we got to know them well during pilot training.) I have heard from them and they are ok.
Of course, now the earthquake happened ten hours ago. Now the tsunami concern is turning to my beloved West Coast. The news is talking a lot about Crescent City, CA - Charlie has relatives in that area. They are expecting an 8 foot wave in Crescent City. SCARY! And I recently heard CNN mention Seaside, OR - an hour from my parents house. A little ocean town on the Oregon coast that I spent a lot of time growing up and hoping this event isn't what they are expecting it to be. If it is, my sweet little Seaside and beloved Cannon Beach will have some serious problems. The Washington Coast hasn't been mentioned but I can't help think they have to be in the line of fire as well. Hoping this isn't the case either - I have two aunts and numerous family friends who have homes at Long Beach and Oceanside, WA.
Overall this is hitting really close to home and I am here in FL, worrying my tale off! I literally cannot take my eyes off the tv. And I need to! I have a project due today for my (LAST) college class. My words to Charlie in the text I sent him this morning were "It's a shitty way to start the day."
My thoughts and prayers not only go out to those in Japan, but everyone who is effected by the devestating tsnuami's! If you are in the path of these tsnuami's get the heck off the beaches and move to high ground - there is plenty of high ground around the Northern Cali and Oregon Coast.
And by the way, at this point, most of my AF friends stationed in Japan have posted on facebook that they are fine. Whew! (Except for the Cappelli crew, you all ok??? Give me a shout!)
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