Just getting home from my latest doctor appointment. (Our 32 week check.)
Here is the scoop:
Blood pressure continues to be good. I haven't had any issues since the one very early appointment.
Weight, while not good, hasn't changed that much in the last month or so. I didn't look at it two weeks ago because I didn't want to know. And I didn't want to know about it today either but accidentally saw it as I was leaving the room. And was actually pleasantly surprised.
My glucose test came back fine and since there was not a problem with protein in my urine, my swelling ankles are not a concern. Don't get me wrong though - the swelling is NOTHING compared to what it was like with Addison. This time around I actually have legs and not tree stumps where my legs are supposed to be. Tammi is contributing the swelling to the heat. She suggests drinking more water - although I am drinking so much now I worry at times I may float away - and elevating my feet above my heart. Oh and to cut back on the salt - so goodbye potato chips. (Or maybe just cut back on them.)
I mentioned the cramps and pains that I have been randomly having. I also mentioned that the days I have these pains are the days when I have done too much. My husband will be pleased to know that her answer to this problem was to slow down - that he is right - I am over doing it. Tammi did say to just monitor them and call them if the pains are continuous, intensifying, etc.
We talked about the hospital stay. Assuming all goes well, I can be released from the hospital after 24 hours but can stay up to 48. Apparently isurance companies are required to let give you 48 hours. Chuck and I will have to have a conversation about this. At Langley, I had Addison on Saturday morning - after being induced Friday night - and was released early afternoon on Monday. I felt like this was the perfect amount of time and was just getting to the point of being ready to be sent home. At this moment, I am inclined to stay for 48 hours, but know I could feel differently once I have had him, without nurses coming into the room every half hour. I may very well want to be home in my own bed with my girl, her new brother and their daddy. I guess it will also depend on if we have help with Addison. If my mom is here like planned, being in the hospital for two days won't be such a big deal. But I certainly don't want to leave her at a friend's house for more than one night.
When we first started seeing Tammi we told her about the low amniotic fluid with Addison and that is why we were induced. She told us at the time to remind her when the due date gets closer and she will schedule ultrasounds to check on this. I reminded her of this today and we are scheduled for a regular ultrasound appointment at our next visit - on the 16th I believe.
I think the biggest news today is that instead of measuring at 32 weeks, I am actually measuring at 33 weeks. I can't help but feel like this means he is going to come early! Maybe that is wishful thinking, but...
I was able to pre-register for the hospital this time. Now we need to set up at tour of the maternity ward at the hospital. Trying to work out a time with Chuck's schedule to do that. (I swear he is just as busy now that they aren't flying as he was when they were!)
Wow! I didn't think I had that much to report back on this time, but I guess I really did. We meet with the specialist on Thursday so check back in than!