Today was our week 36 check.
Again, we started the appointment with an ultrasound. Currently his kidneys are still dialated, however GOOD NEWS is that they are a little smaller than the last visit. Not much, but we will take anything! He is still REALLY big and has gained almost two pounds since our last appointment two weeks ago. Currently, he is weighing in at 8 lbs, 11 ounces. Of course, the ultrasound could be off by a pound either way. (Let's hope it is and he actually is weighing in at 7 lbs, 11 ounces instead.) His heart rate is good, and fluid levels are normal too!
After the ultrasound, we met with Tammi. The talk today was his size. He is considered gestationally large - averaging at about 39 weeks instead of 36. (His stomach is at 41 weeks... he must be eating really well.) Tammi is not concerned about his weight - she just chalks it up to him being a "big boy." She did mention that if he gets to the point where he weighs over 9 pounds, we will be given the option to have him by c-section. Which let's be honest! He is appox 8-11 now with another weight check in 13 days - ya! He is going to be over 9 pounds!
So now the question becomes do we have a c-section or not? And if we decide to go ahead with a c-section, will an "optional" c-section be covered by our insurance? I know if a c-section is necessary, than obviously they pay for it. But if we chose to go this route???
Let me put this out there. I do not want to have a c-section. I didn't want one with Addie and I don't want one this time either. I made that clear to Tammi at the first appointment. But I also know that if it becomes necessary, I will do what we have to do to deliver him safely. However, I also don't want to go through labor for hours and hours on end only to be told that he is too big to be delivered vaginally and that a c-section is necessary. Having both types of labor? NO THANKS!!! And I don't want to chose to have a c-section and find out that insurance won't cover it and be stuck with a HUGE bill.
In regard to the insurance, Tammi told us to sit tight on talking with them about it. She suggested we give him a couple of weeks and a few more visits to see where his weight will be. However, even though we are having another ultrasound next week, they will not be taking measurements - they want to wait at least ten days before they look at where he is measuring. (Next week will be a non-stress test.) If in two weeks, he is up over the 9 pound mark, we will have the discussion with her than about c-section or no c-section. If we have decided c-section is the way to go, than we will approach Tricare than and try and get them to approve a c.s. AND we will go from seeing Tammi - a nurse/mid-wife to an MD. I am hoping that if we decide to go the c-section route that the doc's office can "code" it as medically necessary and this whole concern about insurance is all for not. (I am compiling a list of questions in my brain to ask at the next appointment - things that have been popping up since we left there today.)
The appointment was not a bad appointment, but I did leave feeling pretty overwhelmed. I am really ready to just have him here and would be perfectly happy if he would just come on his own in the next few weeks so we don't have do decide c-section or not? And than we don't have to worry about the dumb insurance! The insurance part of this whole equation is really what is driving my "stress." I don't want a c-section, but will have one if I need too. But dealing with the insurance is all ready a pain to start with and I don't want to interact with them anymore than I have to.
Like I just told a friend... I am inclined at this point to just go with the flow and see how things play out. Who knows? Maybe having a 10 pound baby isn't out of my realm of possibility - lots of people have big, even bigger babies than that and have no issues. Maybe I am one of them? And besides, drugs were invented for a reason. And I can't think of a better reason than giving birth to a ten pound baby...
Next appointments - Friday, September 9 and Thursday, September 15.
Just thought I'd let you know that my sis-in-law, who is 4'10" delivered Liam vaginally after everyone said she couldn't as she had one when she delivered Emily. Liam was almost 10lbs and his head was a whopping 15inches!!!! She had people in the delivery room who kept showing her new posistions and she did it! It was amazing and she is still my hero! It can be done if that is what you want. Might take a bit more work, but all things are possible! Love you, whatever decision you make he will be perfect! Wish I could come see him, I have been checking airfair to Fl for weeks now just hoping that I might be able to pull it off... :)
Sorry, I meant to say she had a C-sec with Emily! Haha... oops!!
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