Saturday, May 16, 2009

27th FS Farewell

We have officially been farewelled from the 27th fighter squadron. The party was held in the bar last night and it was a great night. I got a little more emotional than I thought I would when I was speaking to the group- I think I may miss VA more than I thought I would. We have, afterall, made some great memories here as well as friends. On the bright side, the F-22 community is so small that many of the people we have become connected to we will come in contact with again someday. So it isn't goodbye, just a "see you later!" Anyway, it was a nice evening catered by Salsa's - a fabulous Mexican restaraunt - and there was a great crowd. Col. Pilch - aka "Shudda" - said some really great things about Charlie - which was very nice to hear. We are so thankful to everyone who was able to come out. It really made the night that much better, so thank you all so much!

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