We have been talking about it for a long time and finally broke down and did it the other day. We are now the proud owners of a 2011 Honda Pilot. With our expanding family, we knew the CRV would not be appropriate for much longer. And with a cross-country trip on our horizons, on Monday we decided to go "look" and see what they would give us for a trade on our CRV. In fact, when we left the house, Chuck specifically said "I am not buying a car today!" He even went as far as telling the salesman the same thing. However, I think they had to be DESPERATE to make a sale - they gave us a GREAT trade-in - way above what we needed to make it work, they knocked money off the price, etc. In fact, the model we ended up with is a much nicer model than we had planned on buying because it was all they had on the lot and when we told them what we wanted to spend, they made it work. Obviously, we love our Honda's since this is our third one - and this one, BY FAR, is the best one.
Also, going to start working on updating and "fancing up" our blog! Stay tuned!